· Graphic Design:

Everything you need for your game, from logo design to prepress. We will ready your box, card layouts, rulebooks, custom meeples, make icons, just talk to us and we will make it come true.

· Illustration:

We can also offer the full art for your game with the highest quality, including any single piece of illustration you might need.

· Kickstarter Layouts:

To get the best result on crowdfunding campaign, the presentation must be flawless.  We work with you to make every piece of information you need (cover, headers, stretchgoals, pledes, etc.). Our goal is to make your game shine.

· Promotional Videos:

A great game needs some great introduction, and we can make anything you imagine come true for your campaign or promotional video, from simple clear presentations to fully animated 3D version of your game. If you can think of it, we can do it.

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